Brian Robertson’s Holacracy Organizational Model
Holacracy is a form of Adhocracy, which we covered in an earlier video. But, whilst we are way past ‘peak adhocracy’, it seems that holacracy is thriving.
Watching this video is worth 2 Management Courses CPD Points*.
(See below for more details)
The Nature of Organizations
This video is part of course module number 6.1.2
Program 6: Managing within Organizations
Course 1: The Nature of Organizations
Section 2: Organizational Models
Other videos in this section include:
🎬 Edgar Schein’s Two Organizational Cultures –
🎬 Henry Mintzberg’s 4 plus 2 Organizational Types –
🎬 Charles Handy’s Gods of Management –
🎬 Charles Handy’s Shamrock Organization –
🎬 Charles Handy’s Federal Organization Model –
🎬 Charles Handy’s Triple-I Company –
🎬 The Matrix Organization Model –
🎬 Peter Senge’s Learning Organization –
🎬 Adhocracy –
🎬 The Agile Organization –
🎬 Virtual Organizations –
Holacracy is a modern attempt to reform traditional hierarchies. It keeps the aspect of senior level overviews and subordinate focus. But it gives a far greater autonomy to individuals, and a more substantial decision authority to small teams at the focus of operations and change.
In 2015, Brian Robertson published the book ‘Holacracy: The New Management System for a Rapidly Changing World’ – It sets out the principles he developed and the practices that support them.
What is Holacracy?
– Instead of managers, decisions are made by ‘Circles’.
– These are groups of individuals whose roles cluster around a coherent set of activities, processes or parts of a function.
– Circles can re-organise quickly, making this organisational structure highly agile.
– Each individual in a holacracy should feel highly empowered to make changes.
Advocates say holacracy leads to an entrepreneurial mindset. Individuals and circles are in constant search for incremental improvements, which makes this model a good one for making Kaizen work well.
Circles within circles
Holacracy does have a hierarchical structure. Each circle sits within another, at a higher level. And representatives from the broader circle sit within it, to ensure alignment at the strategic level
Summary of the decision-making process:
1. Proposal
The proposer describes the problem and presents their proposal to address it
2. Clarifying Questions
Members of the circle ask clarifying questions, and the proposer may answer. Reactions to the proposal or discussion of what people hear are not allowed.
3. Reaction Round
Now, each person can express their reaction to the proposal. The group listens to reactions, but doesn’t discuss them or defend the proposal.
4. Amendment and Clarification
Having addressed questions and heard reactions, the proposer offers clarifications. They can also amend their proposal in the light of the reactions. No one comments while they do this.
5. Objection Round
Facilitator surveys each person in turn. They ask:
‘Do you see any reasons why adopting this proposal would cause harm or move us backwards?’
This is the formal structure of an Objection. Members can make as many objections as they wish. The facilitator notes each objection without discussion. If there are no objections, the circle adopts the proposal.
6. Integration
If there are objections, this step develops a revised proposal that does not cause objections, but that still addresses the proposer’s problem. The group focuses on one objection at a time. When the circle has addressed each objection, it returns to another Objection Round.
Free Resources
– CPD Tools –
Paid resources
– Management Courses Onboarding Kit – ($3)
– Understanding Organizations
– Images of Organization
– Inside Organizations: 21 Ideas for Managers
– Gods of Management: The Four Cultures of Leadership
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