Lesson notes, exercises, downloads, and recommended reading are below the video. On mobile, the video will rescale when you play it.

Chairing Meetings – How to Prevent Group Think

Group Think is the cause of many, many bad decisions. It happens when the group prioritizes agreement and harmony over examining tricky issues and uncomfortable opinions.

And groupthink can lead to all-out disasters. Do, when you’re chairing a meeting – especially a decision-making meeting – you need to be able to prevent group think. So, in this lesson, we’ll look at a range of strategies you can use.

Watching this Video is worth 3 Management Courses CPD Points*.
(See below for more details)

This video is part of course module number 2.3.2
Program 2: The Manager as Communicator
Course 3: Meetings
Section 2: Chairing Meetings

Primary videos that precede this video include:
– Planning Your Meeting https://youtu.be/u0hqoWIecNU
– Meetings as Conversations https://youtu.be/42kngpo0MPE
– Meeting Discipline https://youtu.be/NWLKP4Lk3BA
– Hosting the Meeting https://youtu.be/MyyoRz4fKP8
– Housekeeping https://youtu.be/U3PfBOBeqBY
– Managing the Meeting https://youtu.be/cRap-SJ8tpQ
– How to Deal with Challenging Participants https://youtu.be/BX6xoc3qg0Y
– What to Do When Your Meeting Goes Wrong https://youtu.be/PuikZ7Z9hds

Primary videos that follow this video include:
– How to Close Your Meeting https://youtu.be/S0V2-NsLFSs
– Meeting Minutes and Follow-up https://youtu.be/97j9Nq8UuGk

General strategies that will help you prevent Group Think when you are chairing meetings:
1. Air information before opinions
2. Avoid powerful people speaking first
3. Appoint Devil’s advocate role
4. Have structured PMI (plus-minus-interesting)discussion
5. …or use Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats method (see below for link to the book)
6. Do a strength of feeling/support survey
7. Ask for alternatives
8. Investigate variant positions and tackle difficult issues

1. Spend some time reviewing this video and your notes. Make a cheat-sheet of strategies you can use for your meetings and paste it into your meeting notebook – or whatever you take to your meetings. (2 MC CPD Points)
2. Reflect on meetings where you have seen Group Think take hold. What would have been helpful strategies for getting them back on track? (2 MC CPD Points)
3. At your next two meetings, if you sense the possibility of Group Think, deliberately apply one or to of the strategies you have learned. After the meeting, reflect on what happened and how effective those strategies were. (2×2 MC CPD Points)

Free Resources
– CPD Tools – https://gum.co/MC-CPD
Paid resources
– Management Courses Onboarding Kit – https://gum.co/MC-ObK ($3)

– Running Meetings (HBR) https://geni.us/uTtzzH
– Meetings Suck https://geni.us/PnqAf
– Bad Meetings Happen to Good People https://geni.us/ehWHWW
– Six Thinking Hats https://geni.us/d8uq3

Management Courses Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Points
You can record your Management Courses CPD points on our free, downloadable CPD record log.
Download it here: https://gum.co/MC-CPD

Each video has two levels of MC CPD points. For this video:
– If you simply watched the video, record 3 MC CPD points
– If you also carried out all of the recommended exercises, score a total of 11 MC CPD points

Links to our book recommendations are affiliated through Amazon


Seating Psychology in One-on-One Meetings
Power in the Meeting Room: Psychology of Seating Positions
Four Special Meeting Types and How to Run Them
Facilitated Meetings: How to Run a Facilitated Meeting
How to Chair Creative Meetings: Tools and Techniques
Chairing Meetings – What to Do when Your Meeting Goes Wrong
Chairing Meetings – How to Deal with Challenging Participants
Chairing Meetings – How to Facilitate with Authority
Chairing Meetings – Setting Ground Rules
Chairing Meetings – How to Reduce Meeting Cost
Attending Meetings – Using Flipchart Effectively
Attending Meetings – Using Projector and Slides Effectively
Attending Meetings – Project Presence and Authority
Attending Meetings – Reduce Wasted Meeting Time
Chairing Meetings – Meeting Minutes and Follow-up
Chairing Meetings – How to Close Your Meeting
Chairing Meetings – Managing the Meeting
Chairing Meetings – Housekeeping for your Meeting
Chairing Meetings – Hosting the Meeting
Chairing Meetings – Meeting Discipline
Chairing Meetings – Meetings as Conversations
Chairing Meetings – Planning Your Meeting
Attending Meetings – Structured Response Formats
Attending Meetings – Making an Effective Meeting Contribution
Attending Meetings – Networking and Relationship Building
Attending Meetings – Preparing to Attend a Meeting
Attending Meetings – Are they the Best Use of Your Time?

Mike Clayton

About Mike Clayton 

Dr Mike Clayton is a (former) Project Manager and now a management educator. Having trained thousands of people at live workshops, seminars, and conferences, he now delivers training mainly via video. He has 14 books with international publishers and runs two successful YouTube channels. He is also the founder of OnlinePMCourses.com

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