Fostering Responsibility within Your Remote Team
This challenge is about how to create accountability, responsibility, and an appropriate balance of managerial control and team-member autonomy. It is especially hard in remote teams.
Watching this video is worth 1 Management Courses CPD Point*.
(See below for more details)
This video is part of course module number 4.3.5
Program 4: Managing & Leading Groups
Course 3: Teams
Section 5: Managing Remote Teams
Other videos in this section include:
🎬 Introduction to Managing Remote Teams
🎬 Creating Trust in Remote Teams
🎬 Helping Build Understanding in Your Remote Team
🎬 Crafting Connection and Building Culture in Your Remote Team
🎬 Maintaining Productivity in Your Remote Team
🎬 Getting Sufficient Challenge in Your Remote Team
🎬 Developing the People in Your Remote Team
🎬 Taking Care of the Wellbeing of People in Your Remote Team
Start by being clear about your team’s purpose and ensure your team fully understands what they need to do, and why they are doing it.
Informal Structures for Managing Remote Teams
Perhaps the best definition of a team is that in ‘The Wisdom of Teams’ by Jon Katzenbach and Douglas Smith (
A team is ‘a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.’
NOTE: they hold each other accountable for their common purpose.
This is more powerful than for the team leader to hold everyone accountable. Especially in the case of:
• one member of a remote part of your team being held accountable by their local colleagues
• one remote sub-team being held accountable by all the other sub-teams
Formal Structures for Managing Remote Teams
People will work best when they know exactly what you expect of the team and of them individually. Emphasize the mechanisms for driving accountability:
• formal role and task allocation
• objective-setting
• clarity of goals, objectives, and milestones
• explicit quality standards
• review sessions
• visible progress measures
Other tips
1. All-hands meetings are particularly good at is setting and sharing expectations.
2. Remote working demands everyone is crystal-clear on their role and what it means.
3. Make progress (and slippage) as visible as possible.
4. Hold a regular cycle of progress meetings.
5. Nothing helps people feel responsible for their work, more than seeing how it fits into a big picture.
1. How well are people taking responsibility for their work and sharing responsibility for the team’s work, in your remote team? (2 MC CPD Points)
2. Consider what further steps you can take to increase the levels of team-member responsibility in your team. Create a plan (3 MC CPD Points)
3. Put your plan to work and review it after 2-4 weeks. (3 MC CPD Points)
4. Cycle back to step 2.
Free Resources
– CPD Tools –
Paid resources
– Management Courses Onboarding Kit – ($3)
– The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
– The Wisdom of Teams
– The Belbin Guide to Succeeding at Work
– Dream Teams: Working Together Without Falling Apart
– Pulling Together: 10 Rules for High-Performance Teamwork
– HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Teams
Managers need a basic set of kit to do your job well. Here are my top recommendations: (the links are affiliated)
Management Courses Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Points
You can record your Management Courses CPD points on our free, downloadable CPD record log.
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Each video has two levels of MC CPD points. For this video:
– If you simply watched the video, record 1 MC CPD points
– If you also carried out all of the recommended exercises, score a total of 9 MC CPD points
Links to our book recommendations are affiliated through Amazon
#RemoteTeam #ManagementCourses #Responsibility