Lesson notes, exercises, downloads, and recommended reading are below the video. On mobile, the video will rescale when you play it.

Masters of Feedback: Kim Cameron – Positive Feedback

Kim Cameron is the founder of Positive Organizational Scholarship. This is the application of the ideas of Positive Psychology, Organizational Design, Citizenship, and much else, at the organizational level.

At the heart of his thinking are the ideas of strengths, positive deviance, and affirmative bias. And these play into his think about feedback.

Watching this video is worth 2 Management Courses CPD Points*.
🔎 See below for details

This video is part of course module number 3.8.4
Program 3: Managing & Leading Individuals
Course 8: Feedback
Section 4: Masters of Feedback

Other videos in this section include:
🎬 Masters of Feedback: Rick Maurer https://youtu.be/w7DNsrJDEaE
🎬 Masters of Feedback Ken Blanchard & Spencer Johnson https://youtu.be/wkb8xCg-3T4

Talent Equation:
Strength + Skill = Talent

Positive Deviance
As Shawn Achor points out:
‘If we study what is merely average, we will remain merely average’

Affirmative Bias
If we can bias our feedback towards positive comments, it will help to create positive emotional states in individuals. In turn, this can help an organization to flourish as a whole.

Cameron argues that the degree to which we can reinforce positive deviance depends upon three characteristics of our feedback:
1. Frequency – how often
2. Contiguity – how close to the behavior
3. Salience – how meaningful/valuable

We need to give clear actionable feedback to overcome the deficit gap between poor and average performance.
But, to get from standard to excellent performance, the abundance bridge is built on positive deviance and affirmative bias.
You need to develop your senses to spot excellence – and to spot good elements to poor performance. Then, you need to give positive feedback that reinforces the behaviors that deliver excellence.

1. Notice how affirmative bias and encouraging positive deviance impact your team and their performance. Be systematic in applying these ideas. (2 MC CPD Points)
2. Calibrate the balance of your critical and positive feedback to encourage the changes you want to get (2 MC CPD Points)

Free Resources
🧰 CPD Tools – https://gum.co/MC-CPD
Paid resources
🧳 Management Courses Onboarding Kit – https://gum.co/MC-ObK ($3)

📖 Feedback (and Other Dirty Words): Why We Fear It, How to Fix It https://geni.us/Pg4gk
📖 Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well https://geni.us/OtdDnSy
📖 HBR Guide to Delivering Effective Feedback https://geni.us/h0cN
📖 Feedback Pocketbook https://geni.us/D8Ar
📖 Feedback Toolkit: 16 Tools for Better Communication in the Workplace https://geni.us/x8TGT4

⭕️ Links to our book recommendations are affiliated through Amazon

Managers Need a Basic set of kit to do your job well. Here are my top recommendations: https://kit.co/MikeClayton/manager-s-work-kit (the links are affiliated)

You can record your Management Courses CPD points on our free, downloadable CPD record log.
📓 Download it at: https://gum.co/MC-CPD
Each video has two levels of MC CPD points. For this video:
– If you simply watched the video, record 2 MC CPD points
– If you also carried out all of the recommended exercises, score a total of 6 MC CPD points

#ManagementCourses #Feedback #KimCameron


Masters of Feedback: Ken Blanchard & Spencer Johnson – One Minute Feedback
Masters of Feedback: Rick Maurer – Feedback Toolkit
How to Do a Performance Turnaround – 6-step process [Feedback Challenges]
Feedback Challenges: Bias in Feedback
Feedback Failure: What if Your Feedback Doesn’t go to Plan?
What is Diamond Feeback?
What is 360-Degree Feedback? And a 4-step Process.
Receiving Feedback: Acting on Feedback – 8 Steps
How to Receive Feedback
Receiving Feedback: How to Ask for Feedback
My Top Tips for Giving Great Performance Feedback: Give your Feedback a BOOST
What is the Starfish Model for Giving Feedback?
Why You Should Never Use the Feedback Sandwich – swap to the Feedback Burger
How to Give Formal Performance Feedback: 8-step Feedback Process
How to Plan Your Feedback: 10 Question Process
When and Where to Give Feedback
Types of Performance Feedback: 8 Varieties
The Principles of Performance Feedback: Feedback Principles that set the BAR high
What is Feedback? And Why Does it Matter?

Mike Clayton

About Mike Clayton 

Dr Mike Clayton is a (former) Project Manager and now a management educator. Having trained thousands of people at live workshops, seminars, and conferences, he now delivers training mainly via video. He has 14 books with international publishers and runs two successful YouTube channels. He is also the founder of OnlinePMCourses.com

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