Lesson notes, exercises, downloads, and recommended reading are below the video. On mobile, the video will rescale when you play it.

NLP’s Logical Levels of Change: (aka Neurological Levels)

We perceive the world, learn, and change at different levels. Robert Dilts developed a simple model of these levels to help us understand how change happens – and why it sometimes does not. He referred to them as neurological levels – or also as logical levels.

Watching this video is worth 2 Management Courses CPD Points*.
🔎 See below for details

This video is part of course module 2.9.1
Program 2: Manager as Communicator
Course 9: NLP
Section 1: Introduction to NLP

Dr Mike Clayton has been an NLP Master Practitioner since 2003.

Other videos in this section include:
🎬 What is NLP? Neuro Linguistic Programming https://youtu.be/F29MDTiwiTg
🎬 NLP Presuppositions: Explained! https://youtu.be/74SuciCkN-g
🎬 The NLP Approach to Rapport Building https://youtu.be/mL4WbW4Ytjc
🎬 NLP Filters: How we Interpret the World around us https://youtu.be/TUnvH9_8CWc

We react to our surroundings and create an impact on those surroundings and the people who inhabit them. This is the ‘where’ and the ‘when’ of our experience.

Deliberate or reflexive, and they include the thoughts we calculate. This is the ‘what’ of our experience.

The skills, strategies, and knowledge we have. This is the ‘how’ of our experience.

The things we take to be true. They both give us permission to act and also limit our choices.

The things we consider important. They dictate our choices and drive our motivation.

Your core sense of self – who you are. Dictates your values in life, your sense of purpose, and what you believe your mission is. Identity drives the ‘kind of person’ you believe you are. This is the ‘who am I’ of our experience.

Transcends your individual identity and connects you to something larger than yourself. It is the underpinning for everything you believe and do and gives meaning to your life and your choices. This is the ‘who or what else’ of our experience.

1. Consider a problem you are having or a decision you need to make. Look at it through the lenses of each of the logical levels in turn, starting with environment. What do you learn? (1 MC CPD Point)
2. When you have considered all levels, reexamine them all again, starting at purpose and working back to environment. What do you learn? (1 MC CPD Point)

📖 For a full transcript of this course, download our low cost Kindle-exclusive eBook, NLP – Neuro-Linguistic Programming: A Management Courses Introduction – https://geni.us/VGhsNQ
Free Resources
🧰 CPD Tools – https://gum.co/MC-CPD
Paid resources
🧳 Management Courses Onboarding Kit – https://gum.co/MC-ObK ($3)

There are many books that introduce NLP. These are the ones I have, and can recommend:
📖 NLP Workbook: A Practical Guide To Achieving The Results You Want https://geni.us/LNhW
📖 NLP at Work: The Difference that Makes the Difference https://geni.us/we84
📖 Introducing NLP: Psychological Skills for Understanding and Influencing People https://geni.us/H3VneOh

⭕️ Links to our book recommendations are affiliated through Amazon and help support our free videos

Managers Need a Basic set of kit to do your job well. Here are my top recommendations: https://kit.co/MikeClayton/manager-s-work-kit (the links are affiliated)

You can record your Management Courses CPD points on our free, downloadable CPD record log.
📓 Download it at: https://gum.co/MC-CPD
Each video has two levels of MC CPD points. For this video:
– If you simply watched the video, record 2 MC CPD points
– If you also carried out all of the recommended exercises, score a total of 4 MC CPD points


00:00 – NLP Logical Levels (or Neurological Levels) Model of Change
00:31 – Environment
00:49 – Behaviors
01:09 – Capabilities
01:47 – Beliefs & Values
01:58 – Beliefs
02:12 – Values
02:54 – Identity
03:54 – Spiritual or Purpose
04:42 – How does NLP use the Logical Levels Model?
06:10 – Aligning Logical Levels
06:47 – Wrap-up

#ManagementCourses #NLP #LogicalLevels


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Mike Clayton

About Mike Clayton 

Dr Mike Clayton is a (former) Project Manager and now a management educator. Having trained thousands of people at live workshops, seminars, and conferences, he now delivers training mainly via video. He has 14 books with international publishers and runs two successful YouTube channels. He is also the founder of OnlinePMCourses.com

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