Organization: How to Enhance Your Productivity by Being Organized
Being organized is one of the keys to great productivity. You may think organization is dull, but it saves you wasting time finding what you need. So, it’s a great investment. Effective working means rapid access to resources, tools, and information.
So, in this video, I’ll tell you about the part that organization plays in personal productivity.
Watching this video is worth 3 Management Courses CPD Points*.
(See below for more details)
This video is part of course module number 1.6.1
Program 1: Managing Yourself
Course 6: Personal Productivity
Section 1: Effective Working
Relevant videos in the same section as this video include:
– The Power of Habits: Productivity through Effective Working
– Planning, Preparation, and Follow-up: Effective Working for Better Productivity
– Milestones and Deadlines for Self-Motivation and Greater Productivity
– Special Time: and How to Use it to Work Effectively
– Conquer Procrastination: How to Avoid Putting Things Off
– Email Wrangling: How to Manage Your Email Effectively
We organize so we can quickly access what must not get lost. Organizing is an investment of time and effort, for future savings of both.
Call PAT. There are 3 things that you can do with paperwork:
– Pass it on to someone better able to deal with it
– Act on it, then file it
– Throw it away
Do the filing on current projects immediately.
Other filing is most economically done in batches.
– Create a ‘to be filed’ tray
– Do filing once a week, once a month or quarterly (according to the volumes)
Japanese 5S system
Sort (Seiri) – Put things you use most often, near to you. Put other things further away
Systematize (Seiton) – Everything should have a place where it belongs, so you can find it easily
Sweep (Seito) – Keep your workplace clean, tidy, clutter-free
Standardise (Seiketsu) – Standardise the processes and procedures you use
Sustain (Shitsuke) – Make good practices into habit; including constant improvement.
Take a look at our video on habits:
Used in hospitals, the military, heavy engineering and manufacturing, and in the cockpits of commercial airplanes. Checklists save lives.
Checklists also
– Save time
– Avoid pointless repetition
– Prevent mistakes & missed steps
– Reduce stress
Create checklists to guide you through important repeated tasks.
1. How’s your filing? If it’s not great, make a plan. Whenever you get something new to file, add it to your new system (2 MC CPD Points)
2. Do you have your own version of the 5 S approach?
a. Start by sorting your workspace (1 MC CPD Point)
b. Systematize – create places for everything (2 MC CPD Points)
c. Sweep – get into the habit of keeping your workplace tidy (2 MC CPD Points)
3. Now you need to standardize. What do you do that could benefit from a checklist, so you can do it more efficiently and with fewer mistakes? Create a checklist (2 MC CPD Points)
Free Resources
– CPD Tools –
Paid resources
– Management Courses Onboarding Kit – ($3)
I’ll be as modest as I can. I’m something of an expert on effective working, personal productivity, & time management, with 4 best-selling books by 3 international publishers:
– The Time Management Pocketbook
– How to Manage Your Time
– Powerhouse: Turbo Boost Your Effectiveness and Start Making a Serious Impact
– The Yes/No Book: How to do less… and achieve more
And here are my picks from the thousands of other books on personal productivity, effective working, & time management:
– The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
– The Power of Habit: Why we Do what we Do, and How to Change
– Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
– Eat that Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating
Management Courses Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Points
You can record your Management Courses CPD points on our free, downloadable CPD record log.
Download it here:
Each video has two levels of MC CPD points. For this video:
– If you simply watched the video, record 3 MC CPD points
– If you also carried out all of the recommended exercises, score a total of 12 MC CPD points
Note: Links to our book recommendations are affiliated through Amazon
#Productivity #EffectiveWorking #Organization