Organizations as Processes: Understanding an Organization as a Set of Processes
One way to understand the nature of an organization is as a process (the other is as a structure). In this video, we look at Organizations as Processes
Watching this video is worth 2 Management Courses CPD Points*.
(See below for more details)
The Nature of Organizations
This video is part of course module number 6.1.1
Program 6: Managing within Organizations
Course 1: The Nature of Organizations
Section 1: Introduction to Organizations
Other videos in this section include:
– What is an Organization?
– Morgan’s 8 Organizational Metaphors: An Organization is Like a…
– Organizations as Structures: Understanding an Organization as a Structure
– The Features of Organizations: What an Organization Needs
– Why do we need Organizations? Structure vs Agility
The nature of organisation can be viewed in two ways: organisation as a:
 structure or framework of relationships
 process or set of processes or set of processes
The Nature of a Process
 Inputs – Info or materials that input into the process
 Controls – Rules that ctrl the process
 Mechanisms – Person, system, service or supplier that performs or assists in the process – executes the controls
 Outputs – Info or products that are produced by the process
Processes from an Organizing Perspective
 Determining activities needed to accomplish objectives
 Grouping of related activities
 Securing resources
 Division and allocation of work
 Delegating authority
 Co-ordinating the efforts of different persons and groups.
Processes from a Value Chain Perspective
 Needs of the Customer
 R&D
 Sourcing
 Purchasing
 Delivery
 Processing / Manufacture
 Marketing
 Selling
 Delivery
 Service
Think about the processes within an organization you know well.
1. Make a list of all of the processes you are aware of from:
– an organizing perspective (3 MC CPD Points)
– a value chain perspective (3 MC CPD Points)
2. How well does the description of an organization as a set of processes work for this organization? (2 MC CPD Points)
3. …and for others you have encountered? (2 MC CPD Points)
Free Resources
– CPD Tools –
Paid resources
– Management Courses Onboarding Kit – ($3)
– Understanding Organizations
– Images of Organization
– Inside Organizations: 21 Ideas for Managers
– Gods of Management: The Four Cultures of Leadership
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– If you simply watched the video, record 2 MC CPD points
– If you also carried out all of the recommended exercises, score a total of 12 MC CPD points
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