Rensis Likert and High Producing Managers – Process Models of Motivation
Rensis Likert studied different systems of management and the things that ‘high-producing managers’ do to achieve the results they get. His conclusions build a helpful model of motivation and how to get the best from the people who work for you.
Watching this video is worth 3 Management Courses CPD Points*.
(See below for more details)
This video is part of course module number 3.7.2
Program 3: Managing and Leading Individuals
Course 7: Motivation
Section 2: Process Models of Motivation
Primary videos that precede this video include:
Introduction to Motivation
The Fundamentals of Motivation
Primary videos about Process Models of Motivation include:
– Elton Mayo and the Hawthorne Experiment
– Victor Vroom and Expectancy Theory
– John Stacy Adams and Equity Theory
– Douglas McGregor and Theory X & Theory Y
– Chris Argyris and the Immaturity-Maturity Model of Motivation
In the 1950s/60s, Rensis Likert did his research on Management Styles. Likert set out 4 Systems or styles of Management:
System 1: Exploitative-Authoritative
Authoritarian. Power flows down, poor communication, high task focus & little/no attention to relationships, use of threats & punishments, productivity is ok.
System 2: Benevolent-Authoritative
Enlightened authoritarianism, low focus on relationships & some communication upwards, use of rewards and threats, some delegation, productivity is fair, but high rates of absenteeism & staff turnover.
System 3: Consultative
Up & down communication, sharing of power, goals are discussed rather than imposed, good productivity with moderate levels of turnover.
System 4: Participative Group
Power flows up, high focus on relationships as well as task, excellent communication up, down & laterally, participative decisions, commitment to goals & high levels of productivity with low turnover.
High Producing Managers
– Foster highly collaborative groups of employees via attention to motivational needs
– Use classical management tools, but in a participative way. Put them in the hands of the group
– Recognize & act on the importance of supportive relationships. People get a sense of respect & value from being a part of a group
– Foster group decision-making, rather than imposed managerial decisions
Linking Pin Structures
Likert’s approach to organizational structures was informed by his idea of High Producing Managers: Linking Pin Structures. Managers at the top of a group themselves form a group with their own manager who, in turn, forms a group with their own manager and peers. Linking Pin Structures lock teams together and create supportive environments at all levels.
1. Consider which of Likert’s 4 systems of management best matches your own approach. (1 MC CPD Point)
2. If you do not have a Participative Group style, reflect on what changes you could make to your team to improve performance. What more can you do to become a high-producing manager? (2 MC CPD Points)
4. Take steps to make those changes and reflect on what you learn along the way pf your transformation. (4 MC CPD Points)
5. How helpful would the idea of Linking Pin Structures be for you and your peers? What steps can u take to implement the idea at your workplace? (2 MC CPD Points)
Free Resources
– CPD Tools –
Paid resources
– Management Courses Onboarding Kit – ($3)
For a solid introduction to motivation:
– HBR Guide to Motivating People
The best of modern thinking on motivation, in accessible business books. These are all modern classics:
– Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
– Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action
– Lead, Motivate, Engage: How to INSPIRE Your Team to Win at Work
– Multipliers, Revised and Updated: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smart
– Payoff: The Hidden Logic That Shapes Our Motivations
– The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work
Management Courses Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Points
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Each video has two levels of MC CPD points. For this video:
– If you simply watched the video, record 3 MC CPD points
– If you also carried out all of the recommended exercises, score a total of 12 MC CPD points
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