Lesson notes, exercises, downloads, and recommended reading are below the video. On mobile, the video will rescale when you play it.

Seeking Commitment – Closing the Sale [Sales Process Part 8 of 9]

The last step of the sales process at the meeting itself is to seek commitment: to ask the prospect if they will buy. This is called ‘closing’.

The Book of the Course!
Sales Skills: A Management Courses Introduction
This book gives a broad introduction to the topic, for managers and professionals who don’t want or intend to specialize in sales and selling. And as a fast start for someone needing to make a start in selling, for whatever reason.
Get the kindle Exclusive book from: https://geni.us/TL5BKeD

Watching this video is worth 2 Management Courses CPD Points*.
🔎 See below for details

Sales and Selling Skills
This video is part of course module 8.4.1
Program 8: Managing Customers and Clients
Course 4: Sales / Selling Skills
Section 1: The Sales Process

Other videos that describe the Sales Process:
🎬 The Sales Process https://youtu.be/iPZNem-Xguw
🎬 Sales Prospecting https://youtu.be/m7bQ4wNeZmo
🎬 Pre-Sales Activities https://youtu.be/lEBsFG_jqnU
🎬 Rapport Building https://youtu.be/aJqduxW2MA4
🎬 Opening the Sales Meeting https://youtu.be/gjI7e-DBPH4
🎬 Diagnosing the Need https://youtu.be/pAsYVf4E3to
🎬 Presenting Solutions https://youtu.be/xf-mhhbL2tk
🎬 Handling Objections https://youtu.be/S6JFm46Gfso
🎬 After Sales Activities https://youtu.be/3qrrlXwDjJI

There is a three-step process to asking for commitment:
1. Check
2. Summarize
3. Close

Check that you have answered all their questions, concerns, and potential objections.

Summarize where you are and where you think your prospect is. If they confirm, make atrial close, with something like ‘does this sound good?’

Expect to close. Choose the right time. Do not hesitate or be timid. If you don’t ask, you don’t get.
So, ask, ‘are you ready to commit to this?’
Or ‘Which option would you like to go for?’
And, if you don’t get a ‘yes’, then apply the power of ‘yet’.
Ask, ‘what is stopping you from feeling ready to commit?’ because you weren’t quite ready, and you need to either revert to objection handling, or respect their need for more time.

The single most important thing that a salesperson needs is resilience – the ability to bounce back from disappointment and stay positive.

Once you have a close…
Shut up.
Do not say anything more.
You have what you want: a sale. There is a real danger that anything you add after the close can cause problems. It cannot make things better, so, it can only make them worse. It’s called ‘buying back the deal’.

The only things to talk about now are:
• Logistics and organizational arrangements
• Pleasantries and courtesies
Agree what’s next, and you will move straight to the next step. In our next video, I’ll talk about the after-sales step in the sales process.

Free Resources
🧰 CPD Tools – https://gum.co/MC-CPD
Paid resources
🧳 Management Courses Onboarding Kit – https://gum.co/MC-ObK ($3)

There are many books that introduce sales and selling. These are the ones I have, and can recommend:
📖 To Sell Is Human https://geni.us/L2EQmt
📖 The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need https://geni.us/AEAVD5
📖 The New Strategic Selling https://geni.us/Zt2Z9n3
📖 SPIN Selling https://geni.us/Ir5xu
📖 The Psychology of Selling https://geni.us/AjR8AA

⭕️ Links to our book recommendations are affiliated through Amazon and help support our free videos

Managers Need a Basic set of kit to do your job well. Here are my top recommendations: https://kit.co/MikeClayton/manager-s-work-kit (the links are affiliated)

You can record your Management Courses CPD points on our free, downloadable CPD record log.
📓 Download it at: https://gum.co/MC-CPD
Each video has two levels of MC CPD points. For this video:
– If you simply watched the video, record 2 MC CPD points

00:00 – The last step in the sales process: Asking for commitment… or ‘closing’
00:20 – ABC – Always Be Closing
01:49 – If you don’t seek commitment…
02:10 – Three-set process for asking for commitment
02:23 – Check
02:34 – Summarize
02:50 – Close
03:14 – The Power of ‘Yet’
03:30 – Why they won’t close
03:49 – The most important this you need
04:10 – Once you have a close…
05:09 – The two things to talk about after the close

#Closing #SalesCommitment #SalesProcess


Daniel Pink: To Sell is Human
The Miller Heiman Strategic Selling Methodology
Sollution Selling: Neil Rackham’s SPIN Selling
Mary Kay Ash: The Mary Kay Way of Selling
Dale Carnegie: How to Win Friends and Sell to Them
The Complex Sale: 101
Sales Optimization: Upselling, Down-selling, and Cross-selling
Account Management: What is Account-based Selling?
Pricing and Fear of Price
The 1-2-3 of a Successful Written Sales Proposal
Cold Calling to Get a Sales Appointment
You Need a Sales Strategy: Which One?
How to Qualify Your Sales Prospects
What is the Sales Funnel?
5 Components of a Powerful Sales Attitude
Sales Success Tips: Sales Do’s & Don’ts
Master Selling: Why People Do and Don’t Buy
After-Sales Activities [Sales Process Part 9 of 9]
Handling Objections to the Sale [Sales Process Part 7 of 9]
Presenting Solutions [Sales Process Part 6 of 9]
Diagnosis: Diagnosing the Customer’s Need [Sales Process Part 5 of 9]
Opening the Sales Meeting [Sales Process Part 4 of 9]
Sales Meeting Rapport Building [Sales Process Part 3 of 9]
Pre-Sales Activities [Sales Process Part 2 of 9]
Sales Prospecting [Sales Process Part 1 of 9]
The Sales Process – a Summary of the 9 Step Selling Process

Mike Clayton

About Mike Clayton 

Dr Mike Clayton is a (former) Project Manager and now a management educator. Having trained thousands of people at live workshops, seminars, and conferences, he now delivers training mainly via video. He has 14 books with international publishers and runs two successful YouTube channels. He is also the founder of OnlinePMCourses.com

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