The Power of Habits: Productivity through Effective Working
If you want to improve your productivity, the first thing you need is the right habits: productive habits. So, this first video in our course on personal productivity is about just that. Effective working by cultivating the right habits.
And at the heart of good habits are two things:
1. Discipline
2. Routines
Watching this Video is worth 3 Management Courses CPD Points*.
(See below for more details)
This video is part of course module number 1.6.1
Program 1: Managing Yourself
Course 6: Personal Productivity
Section 1: Effective Working
Relevant videos in the same section as this video include:
– Organization: How to Enhance Your Productivity by Being Organized
– Planning, Preparation, and Follow-up: Effective Working for Better Productivity
– Use your Energy Cycles for More Effective Working and Greater Productivity
– Wellbeing: What to do to Increase Your Productivity
– Failure of Multitasking: The Multitasking Myth
– Special Time: and How to Use it to Work Effectively
– Three Types of Procrastination… and Why 2 are Good
– Conquer Procrastination: How to Avoid Putting Things Off
– Email Wrangling: How to Manage Your Email Effectively
Discipline is the most valuable habit. It will:
• Get you through the tough times
• Build your reputation in the good times
Discipline is about
• remembering
• planning
• reviewing
• organizing
• punctuality
• keeping promises
• staying polite
Discipline is rarely about doing things that are hard: it is more often about making the effort to do things that are easy, when you would rather do nothing at all.
Routines simplify your life. And they are comforting in times of change or when you’re under pressure.
If you choose the right routines they can boost your productivity:
1. Focus on what matters, while routines take care of the infrastructure around doing it.
2. Fewer choices. Choices need a decision and decisions take effort. Choices reduce your resources for other, more important decisions.
Establish routines that work for you…
– A morning routine
– Environment
– Email & messages
– Use gaps
1. Survey all your habits in and around your work. Be brutally honest and assess which ones work well for you, and which ones hinder your productivity (2 MC CPD Points)
2. How disciplined are you? If you don’t have the levels of discipline that will get you the results you want, pick one area of your life to be more disciplined. Work on that for one month, until it becomes a habit. (4 MC CPD Points). ‘Rinse and Repeat’
3. Now take a careful look at your routines. Do some need improvement? are there some areas of your life where you need a new routine. Design the change you want. And practice it for a month, until it becomes a habit. (4 MC CPD Points). ‘Rinse and Repeat’
Free Resources
– CPD Tools –
Paid resources
– Management Courses Onboarding Kit – ($3)
I’ll be as modest as I can. I am something of an expert on effective working, personal productivity, and time management. I have 4 best-selling books with 3 international publishers:
– The Time Management Pocketbook
– How to Manage Your Time
– Powerhouse: Turbo Boost Your Effectiveness and Start Making a Serious Impact
– The Yes/No Book: How to do less… and achieve more
And here are my picks from the thousands of other books on personal productivity, effective working, and time management:
– The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
– The Power of Habit: Why we Do what we Do, and How to Change
– Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
– Eat that Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating
Management Courses Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Points
You can record your Management Courses CPD points on our free, downloadable CPD record log.
Download it here:
Each video has two levels of MC CPD points. For this video:
– If you simply watched the video, record 3 MC CPD points
– If you also carried out all of the recommended exercises, score a total of 13 MC CPD points
Links to our book recommendations are affiliated through Amazon
#Productivity #EffectiveWorking #Habits